Objective: Anaemiais reported to occur in hookworm infection in many studies. But so far detailed study was not done to know about the occurence of anaemia and its relation with eosinophiliain patients with early stage of hookworm infection found while doing upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy. Hence adetailed study was done to know about anaemia and its relation with eosinophiliain patients with early stage ofhookworminfection found while doing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Methods: A study of 1137 patients who had undergone upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy for a period of four years and eight months from May 2009 to December2013 was carried out. In each of these 1307 patients, the first and second part of duodenum were carefully examined to find out the presence of hookworms. In all the patients found to have hookworms in duodenum, investigations were done to know about the presenceorabsence of anaemia and the presenceorabsence of eosinophilia. The results were found as given below. Results: Out of these 1137 patients, 14 patients found to have hookworms in duodenum while doing upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy were taken into consideration for our study. Out of these14 patients with hookworms in duodenum, 9 patients hadanaemia and 6 of these 9 patients were found to have mild anaemia indicatingearly stage of hookworm infection. Out of these 6patientswithmild anaemiainearly stage of hookworm infection, 2 patients did not have any eosinophilia. Conclusion: Two patients with mild anaemia in the early stage of hookworm infection did not have any eosinophilia. Hence eosinophilia can be absent in the early stage of hookworm infection with mildanaemia.
Presence Of Anaemia And Absence Of Eosinophilia In The Early Stage Of Hookworm Infection In Our Study –An Extremely Interesting Finding
Research Article
Early Stage of Hookworm Infection, Mild Anaemia, Absence of Eosinophilia, Upper Gastro-Intestinal Endoscopy