There has been discussion in literature regarding prevalence of various pathologies in mandibular posterior teeth especially in relation with mandibular third molars. Most common pathology seen in this region in younger individuals is impacted mandibular third molars. The purpose of this study was to find most commonly occurring pathologies in posterior mandibular tooth region in young female patients. Thus, identify the pathologies at an earlier stage and treat them or take measures to prevent the diseases and its related complications Objective: This study was aimed to investigate prevalence of various pathologies seen in mandibular posterior tooth region in young females. Study design: Collection of data was from the outpatient department of the College of Dentistry, King Khalid University, Abha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This is a retrospective study which included orthopantomograms of female subjects of age group 17 - 30 yrs. Mandibular posterior teeth were evaluated radiographically for presence of various pathologies like dental caries, impactions and its related pathologies, periodontal status and other conditions like cysts, tumours and granulomas. Data obtained was analysed and displayed as frequency graphs and tables. Results: Radiographs of 200 young female patients were assessed. More than 50% of the study subjects had third molar impactions. Increased incidence of caries was seen in this age group almost with equal incidence in the first and second molars. Periodontal status was much better in our study group. Large cystic lesions like Dentigerous cysts, Odontogenic keratocyst or odontogenic tumours were not encountered in our study. Significance: This study will help to assess the prevalence of various pathologies in posterior mandible in females of youger age group.