Prevalence Of De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis And Its Effect On Pinch Strength In Mobile Users

Research Article
Dharti Hingarajia., Dharti Patel., Himani Desai and Vidhi Dora
De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, Pinch strength, Mobile users

Background & Purpose: purpose of present study was to find prevalence of de quervain’s tenosynovitis in mobile users and to find the effect of de quervain‘s tenosynovitis on pinch strength in mobile users. Subjects: 100 students - males and females aged between 18-25 years. Method: Demographic data, anthropometric data, type and details of mobile use, finklestein’s test, VAS, Pinch Strength was assessed for all the participants. Results: The result of present study shows that prevalence of De Quervain’s tenosynovitis is 46% in mobile users and mean tip, palmar and key pinch strength in affected population are 3.90, 3.48, 4.19 respectively and non affected population are 3.69, 4.48, 4.89 respectively. Conclusion: The result of the present study concluded that the prevelance of De Quervian’s tenosynovitis is 46%in mobile users and there is no effect of De Quervian’s tenosynovitis on pinch strength in this population