Introduction: The aim of this study was to underline the new modern trend of using minimally invasive techniques in stained pits and fissures of dental surfaces. The remove of stains from pit and fissures helps the practitioner to identify the presence and the depth of carious lesion, and to make the proper decision of treatment. Materials and methods: 10 young permanent teeth with colored pit and fissures and suspicious caries lesions were elected to be evaluated and treated by minimally invasive techniques. A fine fissure bur was used to remove stains from pit and fissures of the teeth. We used compomer sealant in each situation when preparations were limited to the enamel, and GIC material for preparations which reached enamel-dentin limit. Results: After removing the stains from pits and fissures, 4 teeth needed enameloplasty sealing, and 6 teeth were treated by preventive restoration. Only 2 pits on vestibular surface were extended to enamel-dentin limit. None of the teeth needed classical restoration, because the lesions were small and confined. Conclusion: In order to maintain oral health to the patients it is important to make minimum sacrifice of dental hard tissues. Suspicious pit and fissures with brown stains make the decay diagnosis very difficult.