Problems Of Urban Water Supply In Hyderabad A Spatial Perspective

Research Article
Anand Gopagani and Vijaya Bhole
Water supply, Water Problems, Hyderabad Water, Water Pollution, Water Waste and Urban Water

The water supply scenario of Hyderabad is confronted with a set of problems. These factors, in isolation or combination have influenced the water supply situation. To evolve meaningful solutions, identifying the problems is first and foremost step. The problems are related to water potability or quality includes basically the quality of water provided by Metro Water Works underground water quality, packaged water quality etc. The water problems associated with urban water supply is not only restricted to inequitable and inadequate supply, but its deteriorating quality. These problems have direct bearing on human health. An attempt is made here to analyze problems associated with various aspects of urban water sector sources of water and suggest some solutions. Objectives

1. To identify and map the problematic areas

2. To assess the quality of drinking water

3. To analyse the perception of urban residents on water quality and supply

4. To suggest solution and remedial measures The study necessitated the collection and extraction of information from secondary sources, which would included data obtained from various government institutions. Primary data is collected based on questionnaire method. Random sampling is adopted in this work.