Production Of Milk Clotting Enzyme By Streptococcus Lactis Under Submerged Fermentation

Research Article
Santhalin Shellomith, A. S and B. Preetha
Milk Clotting Enzyme, Aspartate Protease, Submerged Fermentation, Streptococcus lactis.

The present study deals the production of Milk-Clotting Enzyme using synthetic, whey and distillers sludge medium as substrates in submerged fermentation by Streptococcus lactis the production of enzyme was improved with the addition of lactose and casein along with the basal medium. Distillers yeast sludge containing casein by Streptococcus lactis under the shaking condition produced the highest Milk clotting activity of 0.608 units/mg and the Proteolytic Activity of 0.488 units/ mg. The high milk clotting activity with low proteolytic activity is the best condition for rennet strength in cheese making. The kinetics of Logistic model for cell growth and LeudekingPiret model for product formation were evaluated on the milk clotting enzyme production by Streptococcus lactis.