Rapid Survey Of Malaria Prevalence And Malaria Risk Factors In Pregnant Women

Research Article
Sutarto., Dyah Wulan S.R. Wardani., Rasmi Zakiah Oktarlina., Aila Karius Muhammad Ricky Ramadhian and Reni Indriyani
Pravalence rate, malaria, risk factor, Pregnant Women.

Malaria is one of the contagious diseases in the world including Indonesia and malaria is an important issue in public health. Prevalence of malaria pregnant women and its risk factors are not yet known in Pesawaran, Lampung Province. The research design used cross-sectional study using rapid survey method. The data was analyzed with chi square and logistic regression. Malaria prevalence 47.6 per mile, spread over 5 from 11 sub-districts. One important information, the discovery of malaria pregnant women in non-endemic districts. The result of bivariate analysis proved knowledge relationship with malaria p-value 0,007, Odds Ratio (OR) 10. Maternal behavior p-value 0,009, OR 9, use of mosquito nets p-value 0,01, OR 5. Multivariate analysis model formula, Y (malaria pregnant woman) = -7,546 + 2,353 (knowledge) + 2,270 (use of mosquito net) + 2,250 (condition of house), and pregnant woman probability of malaria 33,9%. Prevention efforts should be undertaken through strengthening of integrated maternal class groups into malaria programs in all areas.