Background of the study: Obesity is associated with an increased risk of mental illness however Evidence linking body mass index (BMI)-a measure of overall obesity, to mental illness is inconsistent. The purpose of the study1.To asses the obesity among the students of non-professional and professional colleges (BMI) 2. To assess the level of depression among the students of non professional and colleges in (BDI) 3.To assess the relationship between the obesity and depression among the students of non-professional and professional colleges4. To compare the relationship of obesity and depression among the students of non-professional colleges with that among the students of professional colleges. 5 To associate the depression scores of non professional and professional college students with their selected demographic characteristic. The study was carried out using a descriptive Correlation design. A Non-probability sample 300 was recruited. A self report questioner included demographic characteristic, Bio physical measurement. Beck Depression Inventory were used for data collection. There was positive correlation between BMI and BDI of non-professional students (r = 0.146, p= 0.075). For the professional students( r = 0.130, p = 0.113). There is a difference of 0.016 between correlation coefficients of non professional and professional students.