The study aims to determine the relationship of learning outcomes of the course Business Communication 1 with the learning outcomes of the course Business Communication 2 in STIE YPBI Jakarta. The usefulness of this research to contribute ideas or provide feedback to the YPBI STIE Jakarta in coaching students to improve learning outcomes in the subject Business Communication Business Communication 1 and 2. The theoretical basis used is Thorndike. Teori theory states that transfer of learning occurs from situation to situation others a number of elements in course content, attitude, methods or goal that may be inflictedonbothsituations. Research was conducted on students STIE YPBI the period 2041 - 2016. The research method was ex post facto, a sample of 20 people drawn at random from a population of 40 people. The results obtained from the study subjects document Business Communication Business Communication 1 and 2 in STIE YPBI Jakarta, as a lecturer and author archives subject Business Communication Business Communication 1 and 2. Variable consists of two variables: the independent variable is Business Communication 1, and one dependent variable is subject Business Communication 2.Data analysis technique used is simple linear regression test, test Produck Moment Correlation Test, Coefficient of Determination, and t statistical test with 95% confidence level or standard error 0.05. The result is: ΣX = 1490, ΣY = 1530, ΣX2 = 111 750, ΣY2 = 117 650, ΣXY = 114325. For Simple linear regression analysis results are as follows: b = 0.46, a = 42.23, then Y = 42.23 + 0.46 X. result Simple correlation Regression analysis is to determine how big the correlation coefficient calculation of independent variables on the dependent variable, the result is: r = 0.51. Results Analysis The coefficient of determination is the result of correlation analysis can be followed by calculating the coefficient of determination that the value of r count and multiplied by 100%, KD = r2. 100% = 26.01%. Hypothesis testing is to determine the significance of the relationship of learning outcomes subject Business Communication 1 with the learning outcomes subject Business Communication course, the result is t = 2.511 while t table premises error rate of 5% (0.05) a sample of 20 people and the results t table = 2.101, then t is greater than t table then H0 rejected and Ha accepted which means there is a significant relationship between the results of the Business Communication course 1 with the results subject Business Communication 2 in STIE YPBI Jakarta.
The Relationship Of Student Learning Outcomes In Business Communication I Materials With The Results Of Learning 2 Business Communication In Stie Ypbi Jakarta Students Period 2014-2016
Research Article
Communication busness 1 and 2