Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie is a congenital anomalous condition presenting an undesirable short lingual frenum, which limits the extent of mobility of the tongue. Ankyloglossia can result in difficulty during speech and deglutition. Ankyloglossia, perhaps is not a very critical condition, but it may lead to undesirable effects such as infant feeding difficulties, speech disorders, and several social issues related to the inability of the tongue to protrude. Hence, management of ankyloglossia should be considered at any age considering the risk-benefit evaluation. Tongue being highly vascular and mobile structure, lingual frenectomy should be performed with less traumatic events to avoid undesirable post-operative complications. Here, is a case series of ankyloglossia with its management and highlighting on its outcome. This clinical study indicates that frenectomy procedures provide considerable improved tongue movements and augments the extent of its functions.