The present analyses the growth pattern of Immunology Research publications from web of science database. Publication output on for the duration of the period 2015-2017 (on November 14- 2017) was taken from the study. The downloaded data was Web of Knowledge-Science and were analyzed with the Bibexcel tool. The study covers a scientoemtric analysis of publications on immunology in worldwide research. The investigate output is based on the data from Year of publications, Relative Growth and Doubling Time, Language wise distribution, Document brand of Publications, Authorship Pattern, Degree of Collaboration and also etc. Hence, the present study encouraged the authors will help for produce additional publications and to create awareness of Immunology follow a line of investigation in the society.
Research Productivity On Immunology During The Year 2015-2017: A Scientometric Study
Research Article
Scientometric Analysis, Web of Science, Immunology, Authorship Pattern, Degree of Collaboration, Year of publications.