Resilience, Forgiveness And Personal Well-Being Among Adults

Research Article
Divvyalakshmi N.N and Indumathy J
Resilience, Forgiveness, Wellbeing, Adults

Good health is about more than just the absence of sickness. Wellbeing, forgiveness and resilience are important in preventing mental health problems. Wellbeing is the state in which an individual’s ability to cope with stressful situation and realises one’s own potential and capabilities. Forgiveness is a deliberate decision to vent out the feelings of resentment towards an individual or group who has harmed the individual, regardless of whether they deserve forgiveness or not. Resilience is the process of adjusting well in the face of struggle, trauma, stress, death of loved ones and financial crisis. The current investigation follows the exploratory research design to explore the association between resilience, forgiveness and wellbeing among adults. It is hypothesised that there will be a significant association between the variables. The study includes 202 adults consisting of both men and women. The samples are collected using simple random sampling technique. The tools used are Personal Wellbeing Index –Adult by Cummins et al (2013), Trait Forgivingness Scale by Berry et al (2005), Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) by Smith et al (2008). Product Moment method correlation is used to analyse the association and gender differences using independent sample ‘t’ – test. The result indicates a positive relationship between resilience, forgiveness and personal well – being and significant gender differences in personal well-being