Review: Association Between Dna Methylation Of Cyp Gene Family In Vitamin D Signalling Pathway And Type 2 Diabetes

Review Article
Savitesh Kushwaha and Neha Singh
Diabetes, Epigenetics, Gene expression, Vitamin D

Diabetes is a major public health problem which occurs both due to environmental and genetic predisposition. The vitamin D deficiency is one of the factor causing type 2 diabetes and increasing its complications. Vitamin D regulates Ca2+ in humans and CYP2R1 gene methylation decreases vitamin D level. Ca2+ plays a pivotal role intracellular signal in the regulation of insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells. So, deficiency of vitamin D due to CYP2R1 gene methylation affects Ca2+ secretion which further affects insulin level. This fluctuation in insulin level due to CYP2R1 gene methylation might results in type 2 diabetes, although this statement needs further verification via experimental methods.