Risk Of Developing Diabetes Mellitus In Selected Sedentary Working Professionals Of Coimbatore City In India And Impact Of ‘Diabetes & Nutrition Education’

Research Article
Sujitha. S and Chithra. R
Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetes Risk, Indian Diabetes Risk Score, Sedentary Lifestyle, Sedentary Working Professionals

India has more than 60 million diabetics and the number is continuously increasing. Indian Diabetes Risk Score (IDRS) is a tool which helps in detecting the level of risk of developing diabetes. Sedentary working professionals (n=200) of coimbatore city in India were selected using convenience sampling technique and relevant data were collected to assess the ‘diabetes risk’ as proposed in the tool ‘IDRS’. Individualised ‘nutrition and diabetes education’ was imparted to them and the impact was studied. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS 16.0 package. On consolidating the ‘risk scores’ derived based on age, waist circumference, physical activity and family history as given in the tool ‘IDRS’, the following results were obtained: “HIGH RISK (score ≥ 60) of developing diabetes” was observed among 77.6 % and 33.3 % of selected male and female sedentary working professionals respectively. Moderate risk (score 30 - 50) was noted among 22.4 % of male and 64.6 % of female sedentary working professionals. Low risk (score < 30) was observed only among 2.1% of females. Wider studies will be of great use in screening and early diagnosis of diabetes which will help in control of this dreadful disorder and prevention of complications.