In the eon of information Technology the main tools of Indian politics is Media and it is too regarded as the torch bearer. Media and politics are the two equal and opposite side of same coin and none can persist without others. With the advent of most recent term ‘Globalization’ the crown of Indian Politics has taken a dramatic shift towards its most modern form. Along with maintaining the responsibility of fourth pillar of the Nation, media is performing as the mover and changer from stereotypical type to most modern and most updated form of politics. Media plays a very dominant role in politics with shaping the public opinion towards the Nation as well parties. In the era of Information Technology it is quite difficult and too impossible for respective government to keep centripetal force over its citizen in the midst of Internet, Facebook, Twitter Satellite channels and radio stations. Starting from Mirat-ul-Akhbar to till date there are corers of print media tools has spread the policies of respective government for the betterment of its people but with the passing of time and situation the demands for most modern technology always rest on the top. Media has unique power in any political system and this power stems both from their main source of information about its culture, people, and events on a regular basis and their multiple functions in politics. Media is a most powerful stem of politics in creating its audience attitude, opinion and too behavior for the betterment and most prospective nation. In a democratic Country like India there are thousands of complexities starting from societies to Nation like of flood of new events with most modern concept and with new and updated form of technologies, media have enormous power to formulate the real understanding of world and too affects its behaviors’ of its citizen. Media helps to correlate the responses and to face the challenges and opportunities in modern societies to reach consensus on action of the society to its new members with keeping good relationship among its people and exponent policymakers. The footprints of the modern media form is highly pervasive in nature than early decades, and their roles in politics are becoming the major points of discussion and controversy. The spread and restriction on media and its content can define the concept and understanding of any government. With the understanding and clearance of concept the respective government will work as the pressure group or pro group to media. Many time it is seen the mediapolitics relationship has affected the exact content in numerous scenario with derailing the train to different juncture. Media is the most utilized and most useful tool in the hands of any government as well citizen to run the country with most effective and most updated way.