Financial considerations are applicable to almost everyone’s life. It is common for every person living in family system and bearing the financial responsibilities to undergo the process of decision making regarding savings and investments. It is very general apologue that as the circulation of blood is necessary for the survival of the individual, in the same way savings and investments are also necessary for unpredictable future to meet the emergencies in life. It is well known fact that the life for everyone never remains the same; it is the combination of negatives and positives. In the similar manner, the scale of income and expenses also do not remain static for long period of time in the life cycle of any individual or family. To counter these ups and down in life, people usually save money in their rosy period with the intention to invest and make a cushion to take load of the unexpected jerks of bleak face in their life in future. By the quality of the cushion, one can make renders with relatively better or worse position to face the bad times of life; alternatively one can plan to fulfill their different financial plans with the help of investment of their savings. The financial future is largely influenced by the quality of investment decisions taken by the individual or family. Therefore such decision making is constantly taking place all around us and is an important part of family finance in every family unit. No one can avoid taking such decisions permanently.