The fungal pathogen Phytophthora capsici Leon. is highly responsible for severe economic losses in Kodagu district of Karnataka, India due to ‘Quick Wilt’ disease of Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). In this study nine varieties/cultivars of black pepper mainly cultivated in Kodagu region have been used for screening for disease severity to the pathogen under green house conditions. The cuttings of black pepper were grown in nursery bags and the zoospores of the pathogen were inoculated to the soil for each test plant. Among the tested varieties/cultivars Panniyur-5, Aribally and Karimunda were resistant (0%) to the pathogen, whereas Panniyur-1, Panniyur- 3, Panniyur-4, Panniyur-6 and Panniyur-7 were highly susceptible showing 98.3% and 100% disease severity (SD) respectively. Among all these only Panniyur-2 showed tolerance to the pathogen with only 29.16% of SD even after the 50th day of inoculation.