Secondary Post Partum Hemorrhage - Scenario In A Low Resource Setting

Research Article
Sameena Sultana., Samiya Mufti., Shagufta Rathe., Rizwana Habib and Fowzia Farzana
Secondary PPH, uterotonics, endometritissss

Secondary PPH is any excessive bleeding from the birth canal occurring between 24 hours and 12 weeks postnatal 1 . . Despite dramatic increase in hospital deliveries secondary PPH is still common and a cause of significant morbidity to the delivered woman especially in developing countries or in a low resource setting. Incidence of secondary PPH in our study was 1.25%.Caeserian delivery is an important risk factor for secondary PPH. Initial conservative management with uterotonics is the mainstay of treatment. In our study 76 women (25.5%) were managed successfully by conservative management. Surgical evacuation was done in 221 (74.4%) women who had USG documented retained products of conception/placental polyp. 66 (22.2%) had torrential bleeding which was controlled by tamponade in 62 (20.8%) and hysterectomy had to be resorted to in 4 women. 4 post cesarean secondary PPH patients with USG documented empty uterus did not respond to conservative management and were diagnosed as cases of AV fistula / pseudoaneurysm on color Doppler.