It is going to be inevitable that the elderly population is likely to increase in future because of further falling birth rates and increase in life expectancy. In India, such phenomenon would be more visible in the states like Kerala, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Tamilnadu and Maharashtra. With the growing trend of change in family structure from joint families to nuclear families in India, the senior citizens are experiencing social isolation due to loss of family ties and hence the need for senior care centres or the retirement communities are in increasing trend. The quality, organization and management of senior care centres is one of the most important topics discussed today. There the first step of improving the quality of senior care centres is to measure the quality of the services that are given already or being rendered. The purpose of this study is to measure the quality of services given already to the senior citizens at their care centres in Coimbatore. In order to understand this purpose, the “Servqual” service quality measurement tool was used. This tool is based on comparing the expectation and perception scores of the services users. The sample group of the study consists of 352 senior/super senior residents from 23 senior care centres which were promoted and managed by private business organizations/companies in Coimbatore City, Tamilnadu State, India.