Sleep Pattern In Medical Post Graduate Students And Its Association With Stress-A Cross Sectional Study

Research Article
Dr. Hajare Shilpa T, Agrawal Vipasha S and Saoji Prachi A
medical post-graduates, sleep-pattern, stress,PSS,PSQI

Medical post graduate students tend to disrupt their sleep because of demanding clinical and academic duties. Evidence from both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies document that there is an association of altered sleep pattern and symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety among young medical students. However, it is reasonable to argue that medical students are subjected to high level of stress and work hard to increase and maintain their average grade point at the expense of sleep. A cross sectional, questionnaire based study comprising of 104 post graduate medical students was carried out. The questionnaire was distributed to asses sleep quality using ‘Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and stress level by using Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)’.It was found out that the prevalence of poor sleep quality was very high amongst the medical post-graduates i.e. 85.58%. Most of the post-graduates were suffering from moderate stress (78.85%), 15.38% had severe stress and only 5.77% had low stress. The study shows that there is clear association of sleep pattern alteration with the levels of stress in medical post graduate students and the association was statistically significant p = 0.0016. Most of the medical post-graduate students suffers from altered sleep pattern and it was statistically associated with stress.