Is Social Background Responsible To Develop Certain Entrepreneurial Traits Among Women Entrepreneurs?

Research Article
Ibemcha Chanu A and Tripti Haloi
Entrepreneurial trait, women entrepreneur, self esteemed, self efficacy, need for achievement and internal locus of control

The main hypothesis of the paper is that the social background of women entrepreneurs does not have any relationship with the entrepreneurial traits that they possess. In this paper, social background of women entrepreneurs of Kamrup (urban) district of Assam and the entrepreneurial traits among them have been explored; the degree of different entrepreneurial traits among them are also measured. The findings show that self esteemed, self efficacy, need for achievement and internal locus of control are the entrepreneurial traits which are found among women entrepreneurs of the study area. The paper which is both descriptive and analytical in nature is based on both primary and secondary data. 5 point scale has been used to measure the degree of traits and spearman correlation analysis has been apply to find out the relationship between the social background and traits among women entrepreneurs of the study area.