Somatization results in a difficulty in expressing affections or emotions symbolically, leaving energy trapped in the body by altering the functioning of one or more organs. Traces of affective representation are quickly expelled from the psychic consciousness to be deposited in the body, so that there is no trace of representation or affection, thus, somatization is a form of commitment and what it seeks is the rapid dispersion of psychic pain. It refers to early stages of development, where the child is unable to establish verbal contact, there are no words that represent their affections, the feelings do not reach a symbolic level. Symbolism is one of the essential functions for the acquisition of language and for the expression of affections, the symbol, is to give meaning to the representation of things in their absence. This function can evoke ideas, thoughts, desires and affections so that they can be differentiated in the past, in the present and are referred to in the future in an organized way