Spatio-Temporal Analysis Of Economic Inequality In India

Research Article
Nitin Ade
Spatial & Temporal Analysis, Economic Disparity, GIS, Variance.

India has introduced New Economic Policy (also known as Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG)) in 1991 to face the economic crisis. Now India is one of the developing countries and its economic growth rate is more than 6% per annum especially after New Economic Policy. It is second fastest growing country followed by China. It has huge demand for domestic as well as international product caused by the second largest populous country. New Economic Policy, foreign investment, modern technology, human resource are mounting India’s economic status in the World. Studies and experiences show that liberalization promotes the competitiveness and strength of the economy. But it has also rises the following questions.

1. Is it the inclusive development?

2. Do the fruits of development are testing by whole economy or only few are enjoying the benefits of development?

3. Does the development spreads everywhere or it creates discrimination within the economy? 4. Does each part of the economy have contributing to the development?