Speciality Polymers: Exploring Versatility In Types, Applications And Future Prospects

Research Article
Srivastava S., Shujauddin M and Sahani N
Speciality Polymers, LCPs, IPMCs, Hydrogels, Dendritic Polymers

Speciality Polymers are the class of some High Performance Polymers (HPP), including plastics, polymers, fluids, membranes, smart hydrogels and elastomers that are designed to meet the critical requirements that engineers face every day in key industries including, Plastics, Automobiles, Aeronautics, Smart Devices, Healthcare, Pharmacy, Energy Production and Storage. This article is a short but diversified study of Post Grad. Students in the area of speciality polymers, their types and applications in engineering, technology, life sciences and research. It includes diverse applications of Ionic Polymer Metal Composites (IPMC), Liquid Crystal Polymers (LCPs), Synthetic Polymer Membranes, Smart Hydrogels, and Dendritic Polymers.