Sand mining’ is a practice that is used to extract sand, from various environments like beaches, inland dunes, ocean bottoms and river beds. There is a lot of demand for quality sand in newly formed Andhra Pradesh, where world class new capital city is under construction. Excessive extraction of sand using heavy machinery and huge trucks has become a big ecological and safety threat in many parts of the state. Illegal sand mining is rampant in all the districts of Andhra Pradesh. Modifications are incorporated for new policy and decided to implement from February, 2016.There are several problems observed at the field level. Keeping the problems in view, it is suggested that before sand mining, specific hydrologic and hydraulic information are necessary. First and second order channels should be deepened and gully flugs be constructed, which enhance the ground water recharge. There is no coordination between various departments involved in sand mining. So, single window system should be introduced. Only one office shall finally look control of sand mining by acquiring the required staff and infrastructure. It is the responsibility of every citizen to support the measures taken by the Government to curb illegal sand mining to save our environment and our lives.