Studies On Genetic Parameters For Yield And Yield Attributes In Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.)

Research Article
John K and Raghava Reddy P
Hospital, Linen and Laundry, Quality

High GCV and PCV values were observed for number of secondary branches per plant. Moderate GCV observed for number of well-filled and mature pods per plant. Moderate values of GCV and PCV were recorded for kernel yield per plant. Moderate GCV and high PCV values were observed for pod yield per plant. Heritability values ranged from 15.41 per cent (Plant height) to 98.21 per cent (Number of primary branches per plant). High heritability and high GAM was recorded for number of primary branches per plant number of secondary branches per plant, number of wellfilled and mature pods per plant kernel yield per plant and pod yield per plant indicating the importance of additive gene effects, selection for such characters may be rewarding.