Studies On The Variations In The Proximate Composition Of Labeo Boga In Relation To Habitat And Season

Research Article
Roopma Gandotra., Monika Sharma., Sunakshi Sharma and Ritu Kumari
Season, Labeo boga, Protein, Lipid, Moisture, Ash, Water quality.

The present investigation was aimed to conduct seasonal proximate composition analysis of Labeo boga collected from upstream section and downstream section of River Tawi. The results clearly revealed that both habitat variation and seasonal changes has an impact on the muscle proximate composition of Labeo boga. In the present study, the water quality parameters(DO, pH and water temperature) of the two sections were analysed and compared for the four studied seasons i.e post monsoon, winter, pre monsoon and monsoon and results revealed that pollutant load in section 2 (downstream section) not only affected the water quality but also the proximate profile of fish. For all the studied seasons, the DO content in downstream section (Section 2) were found in the range 3.33±0.50-5.36±0.25 and these values were found to be significantly(p<0.05) low as compared to DO content obtained for the upstream section(section 2) i.e 7.13±0.35-8.6±0.6. Also, the pH values were found to be low at downstream section i.e 6.93±0.96-8.16±0.115 as compared to upstream section i.e 8.13±0.208-8.46± 0.15. At upstream section, the protein, lipid and ash content were found in the range 16.41±0.47 - 17.54±0.31, 1.95±0.46 - 3.26±0.43, 1.03±0.012-1.23±0.01 respectively, with the higher values obtained during the pre monsoon(summer) and post monsoon(autumn) period and low values of the lipid, protein and ash content were observed during the winter and monsoon season. At section 2, similar trend of seasonal variation (high values during the pre and post monsoon and low during the winter and monsoon) were observed and the range of values so obtained for protein, lipid and ash were 15.57±0.12-16.13±0.4 (for protein); 1.66±0.07-2.25±0.07 (for lipid); and 1.02±0.05-1.19±0.02(for ash); however these values were found to be low as compared to the values obtained for section 1 for all the studied seasons. For the moisture content, the values obtained were found to be high during the winter season and low during the summer (pre monsoon season) for both the studied sections, thus showing inverse trend of relationship between moisture and other proximate constituents viz. protein, lipid and ash. During the present course of investigation, the proximate profile was found to be significantly low (p<0.05) in downstream section than upstream section which may be due to the heavy pollution load in downstream section.