A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Music Therapy On Hypertension Among Teachers In Selected Schools At Puducherry

Research Article
Kripa Angeline., Nirmala S and Renuka K
Assess, Effectiveness, Music therapy, Hypertension, School Teachers.

Introduction: Relaxation of the body and mind is essential for a health life. The high prevalence of hypertension in the general population makes the identification and treatment of affected patients, a top priority for clinicians. Music therapy is the clinical evidence on quality of life and the blood pressure of hypertensive patients. Objectives: To assess the pretest level of blood pressure among school teachers with hypertension , to assess the effectiveness of music therapy among school teachers with hypertension, to associate the effectiveness of music therapy on blood pressure with the selected demographic& clinical variables Methodology: Data collection proceeded with prior permission and consent from the concerned. Purposive sampling technique were used for the selection of sample from different schools in puducherry. Then the school teacher were given prerecorded music CD which for 20-30 minutes for experimental group. The music therapy was continued in the consecutive days in the morning session with five session of music therapy again the blood pressure was assessed during the post test. Findings: The research findings revealed that the level of Hypertension after music therapy was pre Hypertension 3(7.5%), Hypertension stage 1 is 24(60%), Hypertension stage 2 is 13(32.5%). The comparison of mean, standard deviation, mean difference, t-value, and ’p’ were used to assess the value of post level of blood pressure in the experimental group .The pre – test blood pressure and post test blood pressure which clearly reveals the effectiveness of music therapy in reducing the blood pressure. Demographic variables of the school teacher like history of hypertension with relationship is statistically associated with stages of hypertension at p value <0.05.Conclusion: The study findings will enable the nurses to plan and implement health education programme regarding the prevention of hypertension and its various treatment modalities in future.