Introduction: Pregnancy is not a disease and pregnancy related mortality is almost always preventableyet more than half a million women die annually worldwide i.e. about 1,600 women die every day, due to pregnancy related complications. About 90-95% of these come from developing countries.Objectives:- To assess the level of knowledge regarding home management of minor ailments duringpregnancy.To find out the association between the level of knowledge regarding home management of minorailments during pregnancy with socio demographic variables.Material and methods: The present community based cross- sectional study was conducted invenkatachalam at Nellore, Andhra pradesh state(India). The study sample included 30 pregnant womenselected by purposive sampling technique.Results and Discussion:- In the present study ,with regard to level of knowledge on home management of minor ailments among pregnant women, 8( 26.67%) had good knowledge ,10(33.33%) had average knowledge and 12(40%)) had poor knowledge.Conclusion: The findings of study revealed that 12(40%)) had poor knowledge regarding homemanagement of minor aliments among pregnant women. Educational programme needs to be organized toimprove the knowledge of pregnant women.