A non-experimental survey design was used for this study. The samples were selected using nonprobability purposive sampling method. Objectives of the study were to assess the level of selfesteem among B.sc nursing students, to find the association between level of self-esteem and selected demographic variables of B.sc nursing students and to develop and implement counselling session for B.Sc Nursing students. The study wasconducted among B.sc Nursing students at Five Nursing Colleges of Udaipur, Rajasthan. The tool consisted of two sections: Section A: the demographic data followed by Section B: the Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale, a highly reliable scale, to assess the self-esteem was used in the study. The Pilot study wasconducted on 100 samples and the main study was carried forward on 1000samples from Ten Nursing Colleges of Udaipur, Rajasthan. To evaluate self-esteem, the tool was given to subjects for 20 minute, than after 20 minutes, the tool was collected by researcher. For major findings of study researcher applied frequency, percentage and fisher’s test. From the study findings, the researcher concluded that majority of the samples had low range of self-esteem (66.1 %) score less than 15 followed by normal range of self-esteem (29.8 %) score between 15 to 25 and the least by high self-esteem i.e only 4.1 % score more than 25. And a counseling session booklet is made on self-esteem and this is provided to low level self-esteem samples