Background: Intensive care is a great challenge and demands of a nurse the highest qualities of character and competence. Respiratory care is based on four important principles include the airway must be kept clear, alveolar ventilation must be adequate, arterial blood must be adequately oxygenated, preexisting pulmonary diseases must be treated and complications avoided. In the view of normal gas exchange, tracheal tube intubation and artificial supply of oxygen and gas exchange can be carried out by mechanically for a ventilatory failure patient. Although research studies about pain and sedation in ICU have flourished, little is known about current practices. Questionnaire reported physicians or nurse’s preference in the use of scoring system for assessing pain and sedation and of sedatives and analgesics drugs. In addition, the rate of stated use of instruments for assessing sedation can be range between 8% and 49% in Germany and between 16% to 61% in Denmark. Objectives: 1. to assess the sedation practices and clinical profile among mechanical ventilated patients. 2. To find out the association between sedation practices with the selected demographic and clinical characteristics of the mechanical ventilated patients. Material and methods: A descriptive study was conducted on 60 mechanical ventilated patients to assess the assess the sedation practices and clinical profile among mechanical ventilated patients admitted in in Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni Bk. Participants were selected by non probability purposive sampling technique, who fulfilled eligibility criteria. A Structured Performa was used for the data collection, it included socio-demographic data, clinical characteristics and health assessment of the patient under sedation by Richmond agitation and sedation scale, Riker sedation agitation scale, Glasgow coma scale and the depth of sedation. Data was collected from August 2023 to November 2023 and analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result: Findings of the study revealed that the mechanical ventilated patients are having moderate sedation practices. Richmond Sedation Agitation scale (+4 to -5) shows that 90% of the participants had light sedation (-2); as per Riker sedation agitation scale (1 to 7) shows that 86.7% participants scored 3 i.e., “sedated”. According to Glasgow Coma scale (3 to 15) maximum participants scored moderate consciousness i.e., 78.3%; as per depth of the sedation, majority of the participants shows moderate depth of sedation i.e., 61.7%. Chi square test shows that there is no significant association between sedation practices with the selected demographicand clinical characteristics likeage, education, occupation, monthly income, type of family, religion, duration of ventilation and duration of sedation. Conclusion: The overall goal of the sedation is to provide stability in physiological status and comfort of the mechanical ventilated patients. Inappropriately high level of the sedation may lead to alterations in the vital functions of the body. Although this study focused on identifying the sedation practices and clinical profile among mechanical ventilated patients. The findings of the present study revealed that majority of the mechanical ventilated patients were moderately or lightly sedated and the level of consciousness after the sedation were moderate. Thus, it concluded that the mechanical ventilated patients are poorly sedated during the period of mechanical ventilator support.