A Study On Different Types Of Medias Used For Screening Of Caffeine Utilizing Organisms

Research Article
Pritha Ghosh, Hiranmayee G., Haritha Meghana B., Shireesha A and Krishnaveni
Caffeine, purine Alkaloid , caffeine utilization, caffeine degradation, MMSC-II

Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine ) is one of the major product generated from coffee and tea processing plants. In recent years biodegradation emerged as promising approach to solve various environmental related problems and primarily depends on the strain employed to answer particular problem. In the present context Decaffeination can be cited as an example to appreciate the role of microbes in degradation process. As media plays an important role in the growth of organisms, an attempt was made to find out the media best suited and favorable for the growth of organisms capable of utilizing or degrading caffeine using simple screening techniques. Different types of minimal medias were used for screening of caffeine utilizing organisms. According to the literature available four media compositions were considered. The concentrations of caffeine varied in each of the media composition. A comparative study was done to know the media best suited for the growth. Amongst them the MMSC-II media was found to confer better results with good growth of the organisms.