A Study On The Effect Of School Environment On Academic Achievement Of The Secondary School Students In Spsr Nellore District

Research Article
Srinivasulu B
School Environment, Academic Achievement, Locality, Medium, Parental Education and Parental Occupation

The present study is an ardent effort to study the effect of school environment on the academic achievement of secondary school students. The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of demographic variables such as gender, locality, and medium, type of management, parental education, and parental occupation on academic achievement. The investigator used the constructed Opinionaire by Manjuvani (1964) was administered to assess the effect of school environment on the academic achievement of the subjects (N=240). To test the hypotheses, the collected data were analyzed using t-test, Chi-square test and ANOVA. Findings suggested that there is significant impact of demographic variables on academic achievement; it is found that there is no difference in the effect of school environment on the academic achievement under different locality, management and medium. But there is difference in the effect of school environment on the academic achievement under different Gender, Parental Education and Parental Occupation