Frontal sinuses are air filled cavities which are mostly paired and lobulated in shape. They are located posterior to the superciliary arches in between the two bony tables of frontal bone. They are usually symmetrical, with septum between both. Sometimes one or both sinuses may be missing. Frontal sinuses are usually absent at the time of birth, starts developing at the second year of life and reaches full size at second decade of life.1 Belaldavar C et al (2014)2 determined that the development of the frontal sinus is completed by the age of 20 years and after that remains stable until bone resorption occurs during advanced age which may lead to increase in size. Schuller (1921)3 first studied frontal sinus and revealed information about its uniqueness in shape, complexity and individuality which plays an important role in human identification. The correlation of morphology of frontal sinus in accordance with age shows smaller sized sinus in women. CBCT is a reliable tool in the assessment of the anatomical structures in detail with their accurate measurements. The latest CBCT units have a higher resolution, lower exposure, are less expensive and faster imaging accompanied by fewer problems of geometric distortion.4 This radiographic modality can be used in understanding the sinuses anatomy. The aim of this study is to evaluate the reliability of Cone Beam Computed Tomography in order to identify gender and age of individual.