A Study On Importance Of Breast Feeding Over Formula Feeding Among Infants

Research Article
Shaik Tehaseen and Tanveer Fatima
Breastfeeding, Formula feeding, infant nutrition, Awareness, Health, Professionals, Benefits, Problems, Appetite

Breast feeding has been recognized as an important public health tool for the primary prevention of child morbidity and mortality. consequently, the WHO and UNICEF have recommended breast feeding for the first six months after Delivery, followed by introduction of complementary foods and continued breast feeding for 24 months or more. The present study was conducted is to create awareness about the benefits of breast feeding over formula feeding and to investigate the factors that influence infant nutrition. An interactive survey was conducted in a questionnaire model among 150 lactating mothers and end to end answers was obtained. Breast feeding was the best compared to artificial feeding.35% of the mothers giving artificial feeding by birth, 40% by 3rd month, and 25% by 6th month respectively. Most of the samples were not the first decision to bottle fed their infants in some Exceptional they preferred to use bottle feeding. A very valuable answer was that they took help from the health professionals if they have another baby to avoid the problems associated with artificial feeding. They usually feed their baby on Routine or on demand to maintain the child to follow the appetite. Breast feeding importance has been discussed among the lactating mothers who have chosen artificial feeding. Collected data is represented graphically and subjected to chi square statistical analysis and the value at p<0.10 is significant.