Background: The Signs and symptoms associated with teething may be local or systemic .However teething does not cause diarrhea, fever, rashes, seizures. It may be associated with some day time restlessness, thumb sucking, gum rubbing, and drooling, temporary loss of appetite. Objective: The aim of the present study is to determine the knowledge and beliefs about teething among mothers in selected hospital at Mangalore. Methodology: Descriptive study design and purposive sampling technique was used to select 113 mothers to assess the knowledge and beliefs about teething among mothers. The data was collected with structured knowledge questionnaire and rating scale on beliefs among mothers. Results: The result shows that most (77%) of the mothers had average knowledge about teething, 15.9% had poor knowledge and 7.1% had good knowledge regarding teething. The result shows that most (78.8%) of the mothers had false beliefs about teething and 21.2% had true beliefs