Background: Tuberculosis [TB] has claimed its victims throughout much of known human history. During the year 2012 in India, there were an estimated 22 lakhs new cases of TB and 2.7 lakh people died from TB; this is despite the availability of treatment that will cure most cases of Tuberculosis.
1. To describe the socio demographic profile of patients registering for
2. To describe the spectrum of the Tuberculosis in study subjects
3. To assess the proportion of other medical co morbidities among
Patients suffering from Tuberculosis.
Materials & Methods:
All the cases registered at Tuberculosis Unit Banashankari Bangalore, between March 2014 to June 2014 constituted the study population. A detailed history was obtained by personal interview using, a pre tested semi structured questionnaire and also from treatment card maintained at the centre like type of Tuberculosis, category of treatment, etc.
Results: A total of 80 subjects participated in the study. Of which 63.75% of the study subjects were males, in the age group 29 – 38 years that is 35%. 70% of the study subjects were married & 62.50% living in nuclear family. 52.50% of the respondents belonged to upper lower class. Of the total study subjects 60% were
started on DOTS therapy within 5 days of diagnosis. Majority of the cases
were pulmonary tuberculosis 61.25%, with the smear positivity being 85.71%. 87.50% of the patients were under Category I therapy & the rest under Category II. A total of 47.50% of subjects suffered from Medical co morbidities.