Myna shows heterogeneous communal roosting. Study on roosting behaviour of avian species aid much information regarding their ecology. In this study we have recorded roosting population of three different species of myna i.e. Common myna (Acridotherestristis), Bank myna (Acridotheres ginginianus) and Brahminy myna (Sturnia pagodarum) at potential roosting sites in Bhavnagar city. This study has been carried out during the period ofJune 2014 to May 2016. Potential roosting sites were identified by following flocks of Mynas from their foraging grounds. Arrival and Departure of Myna at roosting sites were recorded. Data for the study were collected during evening time and morning of the following day. Main roosting plant species were also identified. Average arrival period for all three Mynas species was 76.66 ± 6.05 min., while the total number of Myna arrived at different roosting site was 3417.83 ± 439.71. The average departure period for all three Mynas species was 42.5 ± 7.58 min., while the average total number of Myna departed from the roosting site was found 3424.33±440.12. Common Myna were more adaptive to the disturbed site. While Brahminy Myna and Bank Myna mostly preferred less disturb area, where human disturbances were quite lower than at other roosting sites. Seasonal variations were also observed in arrival and departing time period at roosting site