Betel vine is a very important crop of West Bengal. It is one of the most important cash crops and its cultivation has already brought a perceptible and conspicuous change in the livelihood security of farming population of this district. Cultivation of betel vine as one of the most important horticultural crops and is gradually increasing its popularity in the Nadia district. A study was undertaken in Nadia district of West Bengal to assess socio- economical profile of the betelvine growers and the knowledge level of the farmers about betel vine cultivation covering four blocks Karimpur 1, Karimpur 2, Krishnagang and Chakdaha taking eight villages selected purposively where the crop is grown as a major crop . A total 200 betel vine growers were selected randomly from eight villages .It is observed that almost cent percent growers were using their own traditional planting material since long and growing their crops with their indigenous knowledge, skill and their past experiences. Most of the farmers have medium level of knowledge with clear conception about vine cultivation, but they do not follow scientific recommendations on use of fertilizer and pesticide application. They have little knowledge regarding the improved method of cultivation. Selected salient features of the Betel vine growers such as Age, level of education, occupation, family size, family type, farm size, land under Betel vine area, farming experience, material possession, economic status, media exposure, Social participation and constraints of betel vine growers greatly influenced the farmers to adopt the scientific method of cultivation. Among the selected variables Age, farming experience, scientific orientation, risk management ability and credibility of contact were significantly and positively correlated with knowledge level of the farmers. It is concluded that age had not significant influence in motivating farmers opting for betel vine cultivation and medium educated farmers irrespective to level of education were more involved in betel vine cultivation where as on the study area it is pertinent that low income group farmers preferred betel vine cultivation on the study area