Now a days construction work is increasing day by day all over the world, our natural sources such as aggregates which is used in large volume in concrete are depleting at a rapid rate. Among aggregates there is a scarcity for fine aggregates. The demand for the protection of the natural environment and the ban on mining of fine aggregates in some areas is further aggravating the problem of availability of river sand. In this present work experimental investigation is carried out to study the different strength characteristics of concrete using coal bottom ash as a partial replacement for sand. Here replacement is done as 0-50%. In order to study the mechanical properties of concrete, M25 grade was fixed. Cubes, cylinders were casted and cured for 7 and 28 days. Cubes are tested for compressive strength, cylinders for splitting tensile strength and beams for flexural strength. A comparative analysis is then studied of mix with bottom ash with normal concrete and found the optimum dosage of Bottom ash for further use in constructions for the replacement of sand.