In household marketing, males prefer using more polyethylene carry bags as compared to females. Plastic, one of the most preferred materials in today's industrial world is posing serious threat to environment and consumer's health in many direct and indirect ways. In various methods applied in residences to protect from mosquitoes, people mostly use repellent mats, which emit harmful gases. While on journey, people mostly prefer to use their own water bottles to quench their thirst. More people are not in favor of bursting crackers on the eve of festivals and marriages. Males are more conscious about using inverters, rather than generators, indicating that they are more conscious about the air and noise pollution. Males found to be more aware about the usefulness of unleaded petrol as compared to their female counterpart. For recreation trips, mostly people prefer visiting religious places and hill stations. Less people found to be interested to visit National Park/Sanctuary. Less people found to be aware about ozone layer and impact on health. It seems cleanliness consciousness is peaking up in city like Hisar.