Teaching Language And Legal Aid Through Literature

Research Article
Malavi J
Gender discrimination, woman issues, gender sensitization, indian novel, legal aid.

Indian Constitution has guaranteed economic, political and civil rights to women but in reality an average Indian woman does not enjoy her rights, freedom and equality, in spite of the constant struggle for better position in a family and Society. Ironically, even the21st century’s globalized citizens, privileged to enjoy the science and technology, and challenge it when needed fail to understand the uniqueness of the other gender. Woman is being treated inferior to man, in spite of her sincere efforts to obtain better education and employment, at this juncture there is necessity to discuss about the construction of gender biased roles, and raise awareness on gender sensitization among the youngsters within the classrooms too. The present paper focuses on instilling awareness about gender sensitization among the students through Swarnakumari Debi’s novel, The Uprooted Vine, besides teaching language and Basic provisions for the safety of women. As nineteenth century’s Indian English novel depicts Indian society, family and woman’s plight in patriarchy, the researcher/ paper attempts to elucidate, how a teacher can explore the content of the novel to benefit the learners.