A Theoretical Approach On Current And Future Technologies Advancements In Agriculture Production And Its Distribution

Research Article
Stamatis Kontsas
Technology, Agriculture, Production, Social Concerns, Enviromental, Distribution

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the impact of changing agricultural policies on the productivity and the distribution issues. As we move into the 21st century, it is needed a change in the way peoples’ life quite drastically as a result of limited resources and, more significantly, because of the degradation of the environment and the state of the earth. The key terms to describe modern agriculture can be summarized as follows: mechanization, labor saving, yield (productivity) enhancing, intensification, specialization, concentration and economies of scale. This has resulted in more production with less effort in a shorter period of time. The exploitation of existing technologies and new scientific discoveries in technology will lead to such arrangemments. The focus should be to reduce the distribution losses through improved technology. The review of the domains where technological advancement is essential to ensure food security along with need for further improvement is presented below.