Threat Categorizations And Conservation Prioritization Of Floristic Diversity Of Watershed Rissa-Khad For Socio-Economic Development

Research Article
Tara Devi
Floristic diversity, Threat, Conservation priority index, Endemic Extraction.

All across the globe anthropogenic pressures coupled with changing environmental conditions have led the loss of biodiversity to a great extent. Many species have been disappeared from natural habitats and many more are likely to disappear from the natural habitats in near future. Such situations have necessitated the assessment of biodiversity for IUCN threat categories and conservation prioritization. Realizing the importance of biodiversity for the sustenance of life, threat categorization and conservation prioritization at local, regional and global levels are essentially required. Threat categorization and conservation prioritization at local level would help in developing adequate conservation plans.. In Rissa-Khad Watershed, 754 species assessed for threat categories, 10 species were categorized as Critically Endangered, 23 Endangered; 71 Vulnerable and; 31 Near Threatened, 02species were distributed in one habitat only, 17 species in two habitats whereas 117 species in 3 or >3 habitats. Study ravels that overexploitation and fragmentation of habitat are two major factor for species threat. In the present study, on the basis of threat categorization prioritization of species and habitats has been done