Thrombin Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor In The Early Hours Of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation

Research Article
Мariya Negreva., Svetoslav Georgiev and Katerina Vitlianova
paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, fibrinolytic system, TAFI

Introduction: There is evidence that hemostatic disorders occur very early after clinical manifestations of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF). Aim: To investigate the activity of thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) before the twenty-fourth hour of the occurrence of PAF, given the important role it plays in maintaining hemostatic balance. Materials and method: 51 non-anticoagulated patients were studied (26 men, 25 women; mean age 59.84±1.60 years) with PAF duration <24 hours and 52 controls (26 men, 26 women; mean age 59.50±1.46) without data on the manifestation of the disease to date. TAFI activity in plasma was measured by colorimetric assay (Stachrom, TAFI, Diagnostica Stago, France). Results: In PAF group TAFI activity was significantly lower compared to that of the control group in sinus rhythm (62.70±4.71 vs 115.6±4.02%, p <0.001). Conclusion: TAFI activity is significantly reduced in the first twenty-four hours of the clinical presentation of PAF. These early changes suggest their close relationship with the disease. At the same time they are a prerequisite for an increased activity of the fibrinolytic system in plasma, which may explain the low embologenic potential during the first hours of PAF.