An ethnobotanical field survey was conducted from October 2016 to June 2017 to document the ethanomedicinal practices among Sugali tribes in Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh. 60 knowledgeable tribal informants drawn from 24 tribal villages contributed the information for this study. Sugalis use 57 medicinal plants to treat 56 diverse ailments. These 57 species are responsible for 120 different remedies and in majority of them leaf was predominantly (76.67%) used, followed by root (5%), latex (5%), fruit (4.17%), stem (3.33%), stem bark (3.33%), whole plant (1.67%) and flower (0.83%). The phytotherapeutic practices of Sugali tribe resemble with other tribes in the Andhra Pradesh state as well as in other states of India. Such resemblance and coincidence of plant species for a specific ailment provide an useful lead to pharmacologists. This study recognizes the need for a data base of ethanomedicinal plants of different states and tribes to make use of it in prospective pharmacological studies.