Background: The present age has witnessed many life style changes resulting into multifarious health issues, especially among the younger age groups. During this period, adolescent becomes more independent and have increased access to food choices apart from those available at home. It is also in this period that adolescents increase their social interactions with peers of similar age and develop individual eating habits and physical-activity patterns. Objectives: Determine the physical activity, dietary intake and BMI and compare with standardised values for any deviation. Methods: Sample of the study comprised 100 school going adolescents (divided equally across gender) belonging to Dogra community of urban area of Jammu city. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample. The tools used for the study included anthropometric measurements, 24 hour dietary recall method , seven day Global physical activity questionnaire developed by WHO and socio economic status scale. Results: The sample adolescents were short in their height when compared with standard height for age. Even when compared for weight, majority among sample adolescents were underweight. Respondents were consuming less than standard RDA and skipped one of their basic meal. Majority of sample (girls outnumbered boys) was following sedentary lifestyle. Conclusion: The high prevalence of sedentary behaviours, physical inactivity and unhealthy dietary habits among adolescents is a major public health concern. There is an urgent need for national policy promoting active living and healthy eating and reducing sedentary behaviours among children and adolescents.