Ultra Structural Pathology Of Paratanaisia Infection In Domestic Pigeon Columba Livia

Research Article
Malik M., Goswami S., Upadhyaya T.N., Islam S and Kalita D.J
Pigeon, Paratanaisia sp, Ultrastructure and Renal collecting tubles

A study was conducted to observe ultrastructural pathology of Paratanaisia sp in kidney of domestic pigeon. Paratanaisia bragai is a digenetic trematode, which possess tegumental spine all over the body surface. The parasite has been found to resides in the renal collecting tubules and medullary tubules of birds. SEM studies of the parasite infected areas confirmed dilatation of the medullary duct, flattening of the epithelial cells, impression of tegumental spines on the dilated wall of the duct and deposition of blood cells and amorphous materials.