Understanding Five Ls' Principles Of Quality Healthcare; Special Reference To Delivering Excellence To Patients

Research Article
Amoah-Binfoh Kenneth and Pradhyuman Singh Lakhawat
Patients satisfaction, Healthcare, Quality service, Loyalty, and Hospital

Globalization has brought tremendous changes to today’s service and manufacturing industries. The changes like advancement in technology, high competition, concern for quality etc. These have led to fundamental business challenge, survival and success in a turbulent and increasingly competitive environment. This chaotic competition has given rise to careful attention on pre-services and postservices procedures inculcated into service industry whereas healthcare is the matter of focus. At the moment, service industries are growing faster in developed countries, which have resorted to quality. A matter of concern and consideration by the customer has taken lead in the services industry where poor services, decline the satisfaction of customers. The hullabaloo and mushroom health centres have compromised quality, where the lives of patients are in indispensable danger. As a matter of fact, paying attention, respect, sincerity, directing and keeping patients informed has been granted concession. In this regards, the study was to examine the relationship between 5Ls' principle of quality healthcare and patients’ satisfaction and to identify strategies to increase patients’ loyalty. The sample size was 475 patients, both in-patients and out-patients in four health institutions in India. Proportionate stratified sampling was employed, because the patients were divided according to strata, (in-patients and out-patients). It was observed that kind word and politeness had the highest correlation coefficient. Thus the first step to patients healing was the use of kind words and politeness. It was recommended that, the Five Ls' principles of quality healthcare services notably, (I must treat patients with civility and respect (Loving), I must pay attention to patients (Listening), I must be faithful to patients’ information (Loyalty), I must guide patients (Leading), I must educate patients (Learning) must be clearly pasted on vantage points to remind health professionals that quality is every health professionals responsibility.