Use Of Pre-Existing Removable Partial Dentures As Modified Splint For Intermaxillary Fixation In Case Of Guardsman Fracture: A Case Report

Research Article
Aalap Prajapati and Swati Sathaye
Modified removable partial denture, guardsman fracture, closed reduction

The mandible though being membranous during its embryonic stage, its physical structure resembles a bent long bone, and it is subject to biomechanical compression, bending, torsion and traction. This arch of cortico-cancellous bone projects downward and forward from the base of the skull and constitutes the strongest and most rigid component of the facial skeleton. However, it is more commonly fractured than the other bones of the face, and the teeth or lack thereof may be the most important factor in determining where fractures occur. The fractures of edentulous mandible represent a group of maxillofacial injuries that more commonly affect the geriatric patients due to its prominent and exposed position, loss of bone mass and decreased vascularity which in turn decreases its strength. Management of mandibular fracture with partially edentulous jaws especially Kennedy’s Class I poses a great difficulty. Intermaxillary fixation (IMF) becomes a difficult task in cases with sparse or absent dentition and the complexity increases in geriatric patients. Decreased blood supply, atrophic ridges, reduced healing potential and lack of definitive occlusal surfaces to capitalize on for fracture reduction and IMF are most notable limitations in such cases. A case management of Guardsman fracture with partially edentulous maxillary and mandibular arches using pre-existing removable partial dentures as modified splint for intermaxillary fixation is being presented.